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Dust mite sanitation for mattresses

Dust mites are not visible to the human eye and if they didn't cause allergies they would never enter a conversation. Unfortunately they thrive off our dead flakes of skin and the warm and humid conditions of our beds. These perfect conditions coupled with an endless food supply can result in a breeding and defecation cycle that can add kilograms of waste to your mattress within a 10 year period. I am fully certified to deal with dust mite infestations and remove the allergens that can flair up sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes. I provide a dust mite extraction every time, even if I am working on a stain removal problem.

How Does Dust Mite Sanitation Work

I often get asked what my process of dust mite cleaning and sanitation is. Everything is done in just a few steps. Here is my know-how:

  • I turn up on time fully prepared to professionally service your mattress.
  • After examining the condition of your mattress and I perform a dry extraction of your mattress and pillows using HEPA filtration. At this stage your mattress will be free of dust mites and dust mite excrement (the true cause of your dust mite allergies).
  • Your mattress and pillows are lightly sprayed down with my anti-allergen/anti dust-mite spray. The combination of this 2-in-1 spray prevents any re-infestation of dust mites for up to 6 months.

General Dust Mites Facts

  • Their Latin name means “skin-eating spider”.
  • Dust mites live primarily in our beds. Research shows that a used mattress may be housing from 100 000 to 10 million dust mites. That’s a scary number, especially considering how much time we spend in our beds.
  • Dust mites thrive in warm and moist environment – just like the inside of a mattress when we are lying on it.
  • Dust mites are one of the reasons we get certain allergies. They can also induce inflammation of the mucous membrane, asthmatic conditions, headaches, upper respiratory problems and flu-like symptoms.
Sounds scary? It isn’t really. Just call me or send me a message and I will take care of any dust mites in your mattress.

Want to be Dust Mite Free? - call me on 0425 738 987

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