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When an ordinary day turns into something surreal

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When an ordinary day turns into something surreal. I woke up this morning to the usual distractions not thinking that today would be much different to yesterday. As I mulled over my breakfast I received a call from a woman with a strong English accent, she had a winnebago parked at The Rod Laver Arena which I thought was pretty unusual, she mentioned that it was pretty dirty inside and that she would like to get it cleaned. I gave her a quote and before I knew it I was on my way to the tennis centre.

I was beginning to get a bit stroppy when I was checked by security for the third time since entering the arena, it was only then that the security guard apologised but added that so many people, most being young teenage girls were making his life a living hell since the boy band ‘One Direction‘ had arrived. Suddenly the penny dropped, I was being shown to the band’s van for a clean up.

I started to picture my daughters faces when they’d find out how I had spent my Wednesday afternoon. I was quite impressed with the van, everything you could possibly need on four wheels. One can only imagine what kind of lives these kids lead, of course I didn’t get to meet the band but I had plenty of laughs cleaning this van, each time I exited the van I heard the shrills of excitement from teenage girls 60 metres away behind a fence only for them to realise that it was just some old cleaner guy going about his business. Once the van was sparkling clean I struck up an interesting conversation with the band’s full-time driver who told me several interesting stories about One Direction and other musicians he had driven for ie. Eminem, Rihanna and Metallica to name a few but I won’t be repeating any of those stories online for legal reasons.

There we have it, a day out of the ordinary. I guess Forest was right, ‘life is like a box of chocolates.’

When an ordinary day turns into something surreal

by Steve Stoward

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