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Carpet & Mattress Cleaning Melbourne Reviews

Buying a new mattress?

Dealing with mould on a regular mattress cleaning job
July 14, 2017
Mattress cleaning and stain removal job in Altona
July 14, 2017
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Buying a new mattress? It has come to my attention that some of the newer mattresses that I am servicing are showing discolouration in the top third of the mattress area. While I am usually quite successful in the removal of bodily fluids, I have discovered that this more uniform discolouration is in fact dye. The dye is being transferred via heat and moisture from your body through yours sheets and onto your mattress (hence the top third of the mattress is where most of the discolouration is, towards the pillows).

While coloured sheets are the culprit, the reason is more about the softer cotton materials that are being used in your modern type of pillow top mattress. An easy way to protect the appearance of your new mattress and keep it looking better for longer is to:

  1. only use white sheets.
  2. keep white sheets underneath your coloured sheets.
  3. use a moisture proof protector sheet under your coloured sheets.

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